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Track Your Deal Progress

Your Deal record makes it easy to keep track of the overall deal status including key milestones and next steps.

Updated over a year ago

Deal Summaries allow you and your clients to

quickly measure a deal's progress and next steps.

Quickly review a summary of which milestones have been achieved, what's next, resources shared, log activities and plan next steps.

1 | The basic Deal Summary details.

Click Edit to quickly navigate to the deal Summary view and make changes.

2 | View Activities and Update the Status of a deal.

  • Once the status is changed, you'll be prompted to add an optional note.

  • The status will also appear on your pipeline dashboard.

3 | Click into each milestone (Market Survey, Tours, Proposals, Contracts) to get a quick overview.

Click to expand and view any milestone. Use the blue links to navigate to the milestone to view

4 | Tasks

Lists all deal related tasks that have not yet been completed. The counter in the right corner displays all tasks by status.

  • Click the downward carrot to filter task view by those assigned specifically to you.

5 | Pinned Resources

Either from this view or anywhere in the platform, you have the option to pin resources so they are visible in the deal record. This allows key documents to be readily accessible to you and your broker team.

6 | Activities

View all deal specific activities, use the filters to look at specific activity types.

7 | Track your Communication & Notes

Log Updates. Select update type and add any applicable details or resources.

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